L-Rod Lesson by Joe Smith

This lesson was written in Oct 2003 by Joe Smith for a dowsing list, it was originally given in a series of 4 Posts over several days. I will present them here as 4 Separate Lessons

Lesson 1

Nobody jumped up and wanted the job so I guess your stuck with me. OK ready or not here we go... The L-rod is probably the most common tool and easiest to make of all. It has the ability to find any thing if you have the ability to use it correctly. If you picked up on it I said THE "L"rod , singular not plural. One L-rod is all we will be teaching. 2 work just fine but I always have trouble driving 70 MPH down the highway with 2 L-rods so I just use one. Personally I see no advantage in using 2. Well we got that settled. You can take a coat hanger and make your self a rod. You need about 5" in the vertical part and over a foot in the horizontal part. Bent in a right angle. To hold it for use, the tip or long part should be about 4 degrees lower in the front. Hold your arm parallel to the ground and your hand in a fist, not letting your thumb touch the upper part of the rod. The rear part should be straight up and down. Don't tilt it to one side or the other. Of course you can make it work by doing this but that is not the way to do it. If you have the desire to beat the system you shouldn't be dowsing at all. Be honest with your self. Ok while in the house tonight is a good time to start. Straight ahead is your ready position. Your yes answer is usually a left swing from straight ahead. Your no will be a right hand swing, or nothing at all. Practice your yes and no for while. Go into your dinning room, standing on one side of the table pitch a coin on the floor on the other side of the table. Ask the rod where the coin is, what direction it is from you. The rod should swing in line with the coin. OK now you know where it is, ask the rod to take you to it. The rod will swing in a direction that will if you follow it take you around the table to the area of the coin. When it arrives at the coin it should turn in a left swing, toward your stomach, if you are left handed the swings will be the opposite. Practice and the Yes and No moves, plus finding a target "coin" and tomorrow we will tackle something else. Old Joe

Lesson 2

OK we were looking for the yes no answers and a target that you couldn't walk directly to. Hope you managed all of that . Now lets talk about water veins, there are water veins almost every where. These are the ones that run under ground. The reason you look for water veins is not because you want to drill a well but merely because it is the easiest thing to learn to dowse. Why, you ask? Well, water running under the ground creates an electric signal that is easy to find. Later we will try other targets but for now lets go outside while the weather is still warm. If you took the bobber lessons you will remember the scanning method while standing in one spot. OK with the L-rod it is real easy to do that . With your rod pointed directly in front of you while you turn slowly while asking for a water vein that would produce say 500 gpm(gallons per minute). I know that is awful high, but do it any way. Now if you don't find one, drop to a vein that will produce 100 gpm(gallons per minute), If you still can't get a response then drop to say 20 gpm, or lower. This is to show you that you can be selective in your questions. When you pass a vein on your circle the L-rod will want to stay pointed at the direction of the vein. So reverse your turning and watch it swing back the other way, ( if you do it right). What it amounts to is; it will lock on the target and try to remain pointed at it as you turn around. Now that you have found a direction walk toward it and ask for the edge of the water vein that will produce the agreed amount of output that you ended up with. When you reach the edge of the vein the rod will turn to the left if you are right handed. Mark the vein with a stick or something and ask for the center of flow which may not be the center of the vein. More on that later. Mark the spot and then look for the other side of the water vein and mark it. To mark things in the field you can use engineer flags or little rocks wrapped in foil. Any thing that is handy. Ok you found the vein, now go out away from the other side and walk back toward your marks and see if the rod turns in the same spots for the edges and the middle. One thing is that you don't want to go out and find some one a water vein to drill a well. You are not ready for that. If you have that desire to become good enough to do that you need to find some dowser that has a track record to work with. I,m pushing you a little because I'm leaving Monday and would like to finish this before I go. Old Joe

Lesson 3

Hey kids, how did you do on the water vein?? Were not through with it yet though, tonight I want you to think about energy and how to use energy to find a good vein. What is he talking about??? be patient we will get to that . Go out to the the vein with the marks showing both sides of the vein. If they are gone find them again please. As you walk across the vein ask only for the energy in the vein of water. The L-rod will start to rotate in a clockwise motion, as you near the center of the vein it will spin faster, as you cross to the other side it will slow down and quit as you leave the vein. The difference in energy will tell you which vein to pick as you get into dowsing more. I use this method on oil zones also. Practice this energy mode for a while before you go on to the next thing on the list which will be finding detrimental energy around your house. Finding Det E ( detrimental energy, det for short ) is very simple. Any thing you want to find, figure out a way to ask the question and it will work for you. Now asking for the Det E around your house. Ask your system to find any Det E that is harmful for you, that is your question. As you walk down the outside of your house ( carry some markers with you).Do the same as you do in the water vein search, mark each side. Don't worry about what kind of Det E it is, we are going to get rid of it any way. Each one should run between 2-4 ft wide, more or less. Jackie's house seems to have about 12 places that the zones are either entering or leaving and this was just one type of Det E. Now if I was her I would be out there with a flashlight just to see if I'm right or wrong. After you find all these and get them marked we will go on to show you how to clear them out of you home. Now do this outside the house not inside. There is a reason for this. I'll try to tell you tomorrow. So look sharp, I run a tractor all day and still find time to do your lessons so let hear how you are doing. Make time, I do. Old Joe

Lesson 4

Here we go with Lesson No. 4, Now if I can figure out what to say now! Oh yeah I said I would tell you why I wanted you to dowse the outside of your house instead of inside of the house. The reason is because some of you have already had your house cleared. If that was the case, you wouldn't have found any zones of Det E inside. But outside they would still be there. Now when at least 6 of you come forward and say I found some Det E around my house I will show you how to clear it. There are numerous ways to accomplish this feat. At times dowsing has a lot of intuition in it. You learn to recognize answers before you even dowse for them. Driving down the highway I will automatically reach over and pick up an L-rod or a pendulum and within less than 1 mile I will hit an oil zone. Or if you look over a piece of property for the best place to drill a well you "know" where it is. It feels like you can see it coming out of the ground. This will come to you in time. When some one is asking you a question, the pendulum will give you the answer before the person asked it. Try it some time. The more you experiment the more you learn. Don't worry about mistakes , they just help you learn. Joe

Stan Slater makes quality dowsing pendulums. To see some of the products that Stan creates and for contact information visit this Link.

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