About Us

The creators of Mirrorwaters.com Juanita Ott and Lorilee Nelson where on the same dowsing discussion group back in early 2005 when they first became friends. They created Mirrorwaters in October 2005. Since that time Lori has moved on and created her own site www.lonestarmedium.com but continue's to be a big part of Mirrorwaters. In May 2011 Jaine Newsham joined Mirrorwaters to provide dowsing services but left in early 2012 to pursue her own dreams. In 2019 Lori Returned to Mirrorwaters and established a WordPress Blog and offer her professional services once again. Welcome Back Lori... to read more about Lori's talents scroll down. 


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Juanita lives in Edmonton, Alberta Canada with her husband. Juanita is the mother of 2 boys and a girl, and Grandmother of 5 grandson's. When Juanita first learned about the fine art of dowsing back in 1998 she was a true skeptic. But after reading her first book she was hooked on the concept. With her background as a Computer Engineering Technologist it wasn't long before she was creating her own dowsing charts to simplify her dowsing. From there the chart creation possibilities just never ceased to exist. Juanita has recently published several Dowsing Chart books and working on several more.

Juanita consider's Master Dowser Joe Smith to be her mentor. Joe was an accomplished Water, Oil,  Health Dowser & Dowsing Teacher. He loved to teach and Juanita spent as much time as she could chatting with Joe about dowsing, visiting Joe and Marta at their farm in Nebraska and spending time with them at Dowsing Conferences. Juanita has attended several dowsing conferences and attended many talks and several Day long workshops with several dowsers and spiritual teachers over the years both locally and at conference. Some of the speakers workshops she has attended include  several with Raymon Grace, Bill & Winnie Askin (Raymon's Alberta friend he often spoke of), Walt Woods, Harold McCoy, John Living, Joe And Marta Smith, Jean Slater, Hanna Koeger's daughter Gisselle, Gregg Braden to name just a few.

Juanita's interests also include dowsing for health, healing, frequency healing, past life regression, spirit releasement, and she is well read in a large variety of subjects. This interest in energy healing came naturally to Juanita as she had practiced and taught Tai Chi for a little over 20 years starting in the early Feb 1990.

Some of the courses Juanita has taken, include several modules of Body Talk, Access Consciousness Bars, Psych-k with Rob Williams at a week long retreat where he presented in conjunction with Bruce Lipton, a day seminar with Gregg Braden, a Cell-level Healing weekend with Joyce Hawkes the author of the book, Reiki Level 1, Reflexology, several Qigong week long retreats with Chunyi Lin, A week long Feng Shui Retreat with Marie Diamond. Spiritual Response Therapy level 1 and 2,.

Juanita also owns and uses a Bruce Copen radionic machine, a rife machine and a SCIO/QXCI device. 

Juanita is also an avid reader and fast so when she finds a subject or author that interests her she will read every book she can find on the subject so she has a wide variety of ideas and methods. Juanita is a fantastic researcher and when she creates a book you know she has the background knowledge to create a comprehensive set of charts that contain variables that no one would have thought to ask using Yes and No style questions.

Juanita is a member of several Dowsing Associations, The Toronto Dowsers, The America Society of Dowsers, , the British Society of Dowers, The Canadian Society of Dowsers and the Canadian Society of Questors.


  Lori - Co-Founder, Consultant.


While no longer an active partner in managing Mirrorowaters. Juanita and Lori maintain a strong friendship and continue to support each other in their various endeavors. I name her consultant because she really is my go to friend for all things Mirrorwaters.

In 2005, Juanita and I met on a dowsing group of all places. I was brand new and inexperienced, floundering in a sea of life-long dowsers and professionals. Oh, I was/am a gifted psychic and medium, but dowsing was a new monkey!

Juanita, seeming to know I was drowning in that sea, stepped up and took me under her wing. She taught me everything I know about dowsing and we developed a fast and firm kinship.

Together we developed Mirrorwaters, and it grew to be a major resource for all things dowsing, but over time I ventured off on my own for a while to spread my wings and gain more experience doing my readings and maturing as a dowser, while Juanita continued to expand Mirrorwaters into the most expansive collection of dowsing information on the Internet. During that time, I created Lone Star Medium and was soon servicing clients all over the world. It is my passion and my purpose.

If you are newer to Mirrorwaters and curious about me, I have been "gifted" all my life. I started out at about 8 years old by hearing dead people. Soon I was seeing their energy, and began feeling their presence with my body. Today, I am a full-blown remote viewer, psychic/medium, and energy worker. I can look inside your body and tell you if there are problems there that doctors haven't spotted. I can change your energy to help you sleep better at night, or clear your home, or pretty much anything you need done.

If you need help or guidance with anything, I'm just click away and I'm ready work with you. I am Lone Star Medium.



Founder, Lone Star Medium (formerly InsightsRUs)

Co-founder, Mirrorwaters; Delve Deeper with Dowsing

Director, Houston Ghost Research



Delve Deeper With Dowsing



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Copyright © 2005 - 2024; Juanita Ott

No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the owners.

Disclaimer: The techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions on this website are not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Please seek qualified medical advice in your own community. The FDA has not evaluated these statements or procedures. Any application of the techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions on this website are at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. The author’s bear no responsibility for any applications or consequences of the above mentioned items.