Message from Andy - Release Your Stories

Submitted by Mirrorwaters on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 17:45

Today’s Dowsed Message from Andy is a Quote from Alberto Villoldo

When you let go of stories of suffering, you can stop learning your lessons through trauma and conflict – and begin to learn directly from knowledge itself. – Alberta Villoldo, Ph.D.

I have always added the item Let Go of Your Stories to my charts, as long as we lovingly hold on to and nurture our stories of unfairness, suffering, conflict and bad treatment by others we will not heal. It is amazing how quickly you forget your stories when you decide to let them go. I know this from experience. I had stories from my childhood that I released in a Fire ceremony many years ago, it was a highly successful endeavor to the point where if I was asked just a few months later to repeat the story I would not have been able to tell it with the fine details that I had in the past. Suffice it to say I am an advocate of releasing our stories. 


Q1: To what degree is this message for you?

Q2: To what degree are you in alignment with this message?

Q3: To what degree is this message true for you?

Q4: To what degree are you holding on to stories of suffering?

Q5: To what degree should you let go of your stories of suffering?

Q6: To what degree are you ready to let go of your stories of suffering?

Q7: To what degree would your life improve if you let go of your stories of suffering?

Q8: To what degree are you learning your lessons through trauma?

Q9: To what degree to you learn your lessons through conflict?

Q10: To what degree would you benefit from forgiving the other party in your stories?

Q11: To what degree would the other person benefit from you forgiving them?


What stories do you tell yourself that you need to let go of?
What stories do you tell others that you need to let go of?
Why are you holding on to these stories from your past?
How is holding on to the stories from your past benefiting you?

Who do you need to forgive? Using your ABC or family dynamic charts determine who you need to forgive. Forgiveness is a ceremony with yourself, it need not involve the other person at all. Create yourself a forgiveness ceremony, something that will work for you, some words you say, a blessing. Create a symbol and place their name in it, something that symbolizes forgiveness to you. It could be a drawing of a heart, or a flower it need not be elaborate. You could do a small fire ceremony, whatever your intuition tells you to do will work. 

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