We at Mirrorwaters have specialized in creating fine Dowsing Charts for many years. Much thought, research and preparation go into the making of each chart. We have published several Chart Dowsing Books with more being worked on daily. For information about using Dowsing with your Tarot Readings there is further information on the Ask Andy Page We offer you this free Downloadable set of Pendulum Tarot Dowsing Charts in PDF format.
NOTE: Due to rising costs of operating Mirrorwaters, as well as the time involved creating the charts, it is no longer possible to offer them for free. I have added a button to give you the option purchasing the charts for 3.00, if you feel these charts are worth more to you than a $3 please increase the quantity purchased. I would suggest at least $5. The thought and effort in creating these charts makes even 3.00 a fantastic bargain and I hope you find them a great tool to add to your dowsing. Thank you for stopping by and your continued support of my work.
To purchase other fine Dowsing Chart Books created by your Mirrorwaters Team check out. Dowse This at Lulu.com